Your personal memorial diamond grows exclusively from carbon in your loving dog, cat, horse, bird or other animal. In order to preserve the uniqueness of your diamond, no additional carbon is used.
To create a memorial diamond, we require 10g of coat respectively plumage or 300g cremation ashes (equivalent to approximately 10 kg live weight).
If you do not have enough hair and/or ashes, there are different ways to realize the growth of your memorial diamond. We have always managed to find a solution. Custom alternatives may include: A combination of hair and ashes; a combination of more than one animals’ ashes and/or hair; or the extraction of carbon from individual objects, like the favorite toy or collar of your pet.
In their Lifetime – Keep them with you wherever you go. Your memorial diamond is transformed using only the carbon in ashes, hair or feathers of your companion animal. Lifetime diamonds are made exclusively from the carbon in their hair or feathers… during their lifetime.
Place Your Memorial Diamond Order
- Complete the order form
- Information of the deceased
- Specification of diamond: rough or cut, color, weight
- Contact information
- Mail the cremated remains, hair and/or feathers (request your free shipping kit with label).
- Down payment of 50% is required. The remaining balance is due at completion.
- Receive your order confirmation and unique reference ID used to track the entire memorial diamond transformation.