Since 2006 we have offered pet owners a unique memorial transformed from their most faithful companion. Trust, transparency and individuality determine our actions. Your personal memorial diamond is a symbol of solidarity after death or in life, whether horse, cat, dog, rabbit or bird… Your faithful friend as a unique and beautiful diamond.
In our Swiss laboratory, researchers developed a process to create cremation diamonds using high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) technology. Our custom powerful and technologically advanced diamond-processing machines are able to replicate nature creating pressures of 870,000 pounds per square inch (PSI) and temperatures of 2,100 ° to 2,600 ° Fahrenheit.

This procedure is called high-pressure-high-temperature-one-crystal-synthesis. And it is this very procedure adapted from nature’s diamond creation process that is used to create My Pet Memorial Diamonds.
We guarantee the authenticity, weight, cut and color of the memorial diamond. Furthermore, we guarantee the origin of the entire carbon source from the provided sample.